Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thesis statement and question

1.      What affect does a recession have on creativity?

            it’s been noted that during recessions many companies are created and notable companies like Microsoft began in a recession. Though recessions can be fatal to some companies it can also propel many new companies in to the market place because of the openness towards ideas that could help solve growth and unemployment issues.

2.      Should the death penalty be abolished?
-          The death penalty has been a hot button issue in the U.S and has created division among Americans. Whether you disagree with it or agree with it, the death penalty has to be looked at as a constitutional and moral issue.

3.      Has the media contributed to the public’s apathy towards politics?
-          The media plays a big role in helping us decide on certain issues. But has the media failed to inform us on the real issue when comes to politics. The media has to come to terms with its biases or else it can leave audiences ill informed and apathetic.

4.      Should the United States introduce a multiple party system, instead of a two party system?
-          In other democratic nations a multiple party system has been a way of life but in the united states it has been a difficult process in introducing a multiple party system rather than a two party system. A two party system doesn’t do a good job of representing the vast majority of people and it only makes sense to have multiple parties so it give people a platform to express their views.

5.      Is it logical to begin teaching a foreign language in elementary school rather than in high school?
A foreign language is essential in opening a child’s mind to a different language and culture but the policies put in place by the government has not been effective in helping students learn a foreign language. In order for a student to learn a foreign language effectively it has to be done in the early stages of life because kids are able to process new material better than later in life.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Free write

Free write

Power can be interpreted in many ways depending on the meaning power withholds by certain people. It’s no surprise power has been a main focus in class because it has a way of redefining itself, whether it be through literature or music videos. The texts that dealt with the concept of power present a different understanding of power. Both John Berger in “ways of seeing” and Michel Foucaults “panopticism” discuss how power is translated in different forms such as in paintings and structures, but kanye west music video called power isn’t as up front in its definition of power. But the obvious link between these texts and the music video is its use of visual images to help define power. It’s difficult to point out the links between these three sources but the use of visual images are the key in understanding the meaning behind power.

Thursday, February 16, 2012



            In “discipline and punish: the birth of the prison,” Michel Foucault basis his interpretation of discipline, power and observation through his description of a Panopticon. Panopticon originated from Bentham who described it as an architectural figure that contains structures that fulfills the very essence of power. His focus on the panopticon is mentioned so he could provide the reader with the bigger picture of his argument. Foucault describes it as a building in which the exercise of power may be supervised by society as whole (294).   He points out that a panopticon resembles hospitals, schools, and factories, which means our society has in fact turned into some sort of prison that is controlled by power.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


We live in a world that lacks the will power to resolve issues that are important for our very survival.  As a person that cares about the future the proposals I suggested are only a small step in changing people’s attitudes on climate change. I feel that you have missed the point that I was trying to state, which is if we start of from something as little as gardening then it could lead to a whole new generation that doesn’t rely on others to provide for us.  You stated that, “Pollans argument loses impact by not discussing more realistic alternatives such as pursuing smart consumerism and better environmental education for children.”  In my opinion gardening is as realistic as it gets and it does pursue smart consumerism for the following reason that I stated in my article. It sets examples for others to depend on themselves and it can prosper, creating a chain reaction that could eventually resolve the issues we face today. I understand your views on this matter but I find that my proposals are in fact realistic, and it could possibly make people bother.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

summary analysis

Summary Analysis

Cockfighting is thought of as barbaric that involves the killing of roosters for the entertainment of people. From an outsider’s perspective cockfighting is an uncivilized practice that involves gambling. But In Clifford Geertz’s, “Deep play: notes on the Balinese cockfight” Geertz examines the role cockfighting plays in Balinese society. He finds a deep correlation between cockfighting and what Balinese society entails. Geertz stumbled into the phenomena of cockfighting through his participation in a cockfighting match. He soon realized how engrained cockfighting is in Balinese culture and witnessed it through his conversations with locals. He found even though cockfighting is illegal in Bali it’s still practiced by locals. Geertz realizes that Balinese people characterize cockfighting as part of their identity and compares it to the way Americans view football as part of American culture.
Geertz description of the male ego of Balinese men shed a light into the importance of cocks in Balinese culture. His emphasize on the meaning of a cock in Bali showcased the amount of respect and admiration cocks are regarded within Bali. His observation of a group of Balinese men squatting down holding a rooster shows the special treatment cocks receive and it’s obvious that the reason Geertz described it so well is because he is trying to paint a picture of cocks as a possession that is valued rather than an animal.
From my understanding this text begins with the notion of hysteria. What I mean by that is that the raid of the cockfighting match that was attended by Geertz provided an insight into the problem that Bali faces. Even though cockfighting is popular in Bali its regarded by others as barbaric. The divide between the people who see cockfighting as part of their culture and those who see it is as barbaric entails a deeper division within Balinese society. Cockfighting for many is a way of life and the notion of it being illegal doesn’t stop the vast majority participate in it. Geertz finds that to better understand Bali he has to take a deeper look into cockfighting and his observations only enhance the sensation of cockfighting in Bali.
            Geertz ability to assimilate and witness the behind the scenes structure of cockfighting intensifies the magnitude of cockfighting in Balinese society. The rules that accompany cockfighting may seem as stretch by outsiders but to locals it legitimizes cockfighting matches. The rules intensify the matches and Geertz is a master in creating images of cocks fighting. He describes cocks with blades and puts forth a depiction of a vicious picture of cocks fighting.  His description of a cockfight reminds me of gladiators that enter match knowing that they could come out victorious or end up being killed.